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Slawter Cemetery

The original location of this cemetery was on the left of SR 200 1.4 miles east of the junction of US 1/US 301 and State Road 200. In 1996, the Florida Department of Transportation decided to widen the road between Callahan and Yulee. The Department contacted the descendants of the Slawters and arranged to remove the remains to the Jones Cemetery on River Road west of Callahan. This was accomplished on May 28, 1996, and these graves appear in the Jones – Callahan survey with photographs.

Slawter Cemetery Interments

The cemetery was surveyed on 2 April 1993 by Connell Ward Jenkins…

Russell Family Cemetery

To reach the Russell Family Cemetery, also known as the Russell Cemetery, from the intersection of SR-200/A1A & US-17 go north 2.61-miles to a gravel road on the left. Turn west onto the gravel road, cross the railroad tracks and take the right fork, timber road 56, to the locked Rayonier Corporation gate. Proceed along timber road RD-56 for 1.07-miles, crossing under the power line at 0.7-miles. You will come to an intersection with two roads on the left, one on the right. Turn right (north) on the dirt road, proceeding to a large oak tree; follow the tracks to…

River Road Baptist Church Cemetery

River Road Baptist Church Cemetery is in Hilliard. Go south from the center of Hilliard on CR 108 / CR 121 about 11.75 miles. The church shown in the attached photograph will be visible. Immediately behind the River Road Baptist Church across from the fire department is the cemetery. River Road Baptist Church Cemetery Location (Nassau County)21067 County Road 121Hilliard, FL 32046 USA GPS Location: 30.561013, -81.990801

River Road Baptist Church Cemetery Interments

This inventory was done by Kenneth Sturges in March 1998. River Road Baptist Church Cemetery Photographs River Road Baptist ChurchRiver Road Baptist Church Cemetery Pictures are courtesy of Jean Mizell.

Reynolds Cemetery

The cemetery is located in the Rayonier Management Area – Wildwood Road, Nassau County, Florida. No public access. Contact Smurfit-Stone or Rayonier Corporation for information regarding access. Reynolds Cemetery Location (Nassau County)Wildwood RoadYulee, FL 32097 USA GPS Location 30.622805, -81.666000 This GPS location and map only take you to the intersection of Muddy Trail with Wildwood Road, not to the Cemetery.

Reynolds Cemetery Interments

This is survey was made in May 1993 by Ann Duff, Shirley McCabe, and Joan Johnson. Photos courtesy Marie Wingate, taken in 2013. Marie reports that family members who had visited the site before noted unmarked graves,…

Pringle Cemetery

The Pringle Cemetery, also known as the Kinard Cemetery, is located near Bryceville Florida. From the intersection of US 90 and CR 121 in Baldwin, turn north onto CR 121 and go ten miles to Kinard Road. Turn onto this dirt road and go one mile to dead end with locked gate on the right. There is no sign. A woven wire fence encloses a chain link fence surrounding this cemetery. Pringle Cemetery Location (Nassau County)Kinard RoadBryceville, FL 32009 USA GPS Location: 30.445900, -82.026627

Pringle Cemetery Interments

This cemetery was surveyed in August 1996 by Grady Hagan, J. W. Conner and…

Pigeon Creek Cemetery

This cemetery is in Boulogne, Florida. To reach it, take US 301 north from Callahan and through Hilliard. Just before the St. Marys River and crossing into Georgia, turn right on Lake Hampton Road. Go .4 mile to Pigeon Creek Road. Turn right on this dirt road and follow to the church on the right and the cemetery on the left. Pigeon Creek Primitive Baptist Church was Florida’s only known Protestant church when the territory became a part of the United States. The church was organized on 7 January 1821 by Isom Peacock and Fleming Bates. Other founding church members…

Owens Cemetery

The Owens Cemetery is in Evergreen Florida, located on the private property of L. L. Owens approximately ½ mile from the southwestern terminus of Owens Cutoff Road at Nassau County Highway 108. When driving northeast, CR 108 takes a right turn, continue straight ahead, across the cattle guard, and follow the ruts to the Owens farmhouse. The cemetery is located on a small rise beneath a canopy of large oak trees with many old azaleas and camellias. A chain link fence surrounds the sixty foot square cemetery. Owens Cemetery Location (Nassau County)Evergreen, FL USA

Owens Cemetery Interments

The Owens Cemetery was…

Old Still Cemetery

Old Still Cemetery is in Hilliard Florida and has gone by many names including the Davis/Blake Cemetery for the preponderance of Davis and Blake graves. From Hilliard, take County Road 108 east to FAA Facility. This is the intersection of CR108 and CR15A. Go north on CR15A for 1.6 miles. The Latter Day Saint Church is on the left. Just beyond the church is a dirt road, Oak Grove Drive, turn left. Follow the dirt road to the end (.3 mi) and you will come to the cemetery. The cemetery is surrounded by a chain link fence and is reasonably…

Old Martindale Cemetery

The Old Martindale Cemetery, also known as Italia Cemetery, is located between Yulee and Callahan and travel in a 4-wheel vehicle is recommended to reach this cemetery. Turn off A1A/SR 200 between Yulee and Callahan onto the dirt Wildlife Management Road nearest to Payne’s Diesel on the Callahan side. The gate should be open. Continue on the dirt road crossing under high voltage power lines 7/10 mile from A1A/SR 200. Continue until you have gone a total of 1.6 miles coming to a triangular cut about two city blocks long. Take the left fork to the Old Yulee Road grade.…

Oakwood Cemetery, Hilliard

Oakwood Cemetery is located one mile from the center of Hilliard business district off intersection of CR 108 and Mills Street. Continue on Mill Street, which becomes Catherine Street to Ruby Drive. The cemetery 500 ft along Ruby Drive on the right. Due to the size of this cemetery, it was divided into sections for ease of surveying the cemetery. The survey is by row from East to West. Double tombstones are indicated by showing two names with each number on the inventory. Oakwood Cemetery Location (Nassau County)37349 Ruby DriveHilliard , FL 32046 USA GPS Location: 30.699955, -81.918612

Oakwood Cemetery, Hilliard, Interments

Oakwood Cemetery, Yulee

Oakwood Cemetery is located on Glen Street in Yulee Florida. Go 3.1 miles north from A1A on Chester Road to Benchmark Avenue, turn right and go one block. Turn left on Diamond Street. Go one block to Diamond Street, turn left (north). Go one block, turn right on paved street on Emerald Lane. Go east one block, turn left (north) onto Tigers Eye Street, past a retention pond. Street becomes dirt road. Continue east. Cemetery is on the left. This is a small cemetery, so no layout was provided. Oakwood Cemetery Location (Nassau County)97115 Glen StreetYulee , FL 32097 USA…

O’Neal Cemetery

This Cemetery is located in O’Neal Florida. From the intersection of A1A/CR200 and Scott Road, proceed north along Scott Road. Turn right on Calhoun Road which will become Calhoun Way. Go 6/10 mile and the cemetery is on the right. This cemetery includes areas for Yulee, Nassau and O’Neal. Each area has its own caretaker. This cemetery is very sprawled out. The graves are located in nitches cut into the woods. This Cemetery has been inventoried twice, in 1993 and 1998. For the 1998 inventory, the cemetery was divided into three sections, and the graves were numbered within the sections…

O’Donald Cemetery

The O’Donald Cemetery gravestones were reportedly moved to Jones Cemetery. According to History of Town of Callahan by Mrs. T. B. Wells, the cemetery was located just north of Callahan on the Present US 301. There was a tiny chapel said to seat about six persons, which burned down.

O'Donald Cemetery Interments

Surveyed in 1956 by LDS.

Norton Cemetery

The Norton Cemetery, also known as the Deep Creek Cemetery, is North of Bryceville, Florida. To reach it, on Cr 121, go to 0.5 miles south of the intersection of Hamp Hicks Road and CR 121. The Cemetery is on the East side of CR 121. It is is about 19 miles South of Hilliard on Cr 108 leading to Cr 121, and will be about 0.5 mile beyond Hamp Hicks Road on the left. Norton Cemetery Location (Nassau County)CR 121Bryceville, FL GPS Location 30.456560, -82.002051

Norton Cemetery Interments

The following quotation is on the grave of Noah N. Norton: Death…

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