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First Baseball Team in Fernandina

This article comes from vol II:1 (Fall 1994) of the Nassau County Genealogist and features the names of baseball players of early Fernandina teams.

Memorial Windows – St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

The following names appear on stained glass windows in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Fernandina Beach, Florida. The church was designed by Robert Sands Schuyler in the Gothic Revival style in 1884, destroyed by fire in 1892 and then rebuilt and enlarged.

Marriage & Death Notices – 1938-1939

Marriage and Death notices from the Florida-Georgia News, Fernandina, Florida and The Fernandina News, Fernandina, Florida for the years of 1938 and 1939.

1857 Will of John Spicer Braddock, Sr.

John Spicer Braddock wrote out his will on 29 Oct 1857 and had it witnessed by his sons Spicer C. Braddock and Alex. J. Braddock, and a third individual, Thos. J. DuBose. A copy of the will would be filed by Sarah in October of 1866 after the death of her husband in an attempt to probate the remaining property. She would use the will as part of her evidence in her Standing Interrogation of 1872 and hence this copy. The existing copy on file at the Nassau County Courthouse under their land records is similar, though they are not…

Nassau County Florida Auto Registrations, 1905-1917

This dataset includes the first automobile registrations recorded by the Florida Department of State in Nassau County between 1905 and 1917. Each registration is recorded in a handwritten ledger and includes the registrant’s name, address, and information about the vehicle, such as the manufacturer, style, horsepower, and factory number. The entries are dated and assigned a unique registration number, which was sent to the registrant on a certificate. Click on an image to see the original auto registration page your ancestor appears on.

Nassau County Death Certificates 1904-1939

The records on this dataset consist of death certificates in which Nassau County was either the location of the death or burial. That’s an important distinction as not all of these individuals died within Nassau County. Please see the specifics for each record. Genealogists can find within these records the following information if known: name, sex, color, age, death date, death place, burial date, cemetery, birth date, birth place, residence, occupation, marital status, spouse’s name, father’s name, father’s birth place, mother’s name, mother’s birth place, death certificate number, and an image of the actual death certificate on file. Click on………


A transcription of the 1929 Fernandina newspaper article about the Robert B. Lockwood and Francis Alphia Brooks marriage. Added to that is a brief family record. This information was subsequently published in The Nassau County Genealogist, vol. 5, p. 59.

Sanders-Wild Marriage

From an unknown newspaper 1926 Sunday afternoon, July 4, 1926, the marriage of Miss Grace Sanders and Mr. Kelly K. Wilds was solemnized by the pastor, Rev. T. J. Herring, at the First Baptist Church. The church was decorated with white daisies and fern. A chain of daisies was gracefully draped from the choir loft and vases of them made a border around the altar which was most effective. Miss Alice Dana and brother, Mr. Joe Dana, played very sweetly upon the piano and violin and promptly at three o’clock the wedding march pealed forth and the groom and his………

Muster Roll of Company B, 1st Regiment, Fernandina, 1902-1907

Contributed by Lynn James 2 April 1902 – 30 September 1902 Mullen, Louis, CaptHunter, Edgar J., 1st LieutJeffreys, R. A., 1st SgtNagel, Peter, Qmstr SgtWilliams, Carl H., SgtMizell, J. Jr., SgtKelly, Dan A., SgtCarleton, Robert P., Sgt Hall, Henry W., CplMcNain, C. Brandon, CplFolsom, Frank B., CplMcDonell, Eugene P., CplJohnson, J. P., CplBrooks, Council M., CplLivingston, J. Felix, MusicianWolff, Edwin L., Artificer Privates: Byrd, Chas.Baker, James M.Boen, John R.Carrio, Mannie J.Dougherty, LevanGoldstein, LouisGoldstein, HarryHall, J. B. GordonKelly, FrankManucy, Robt S.Livingston, Woodward C.Rofen, J. ArthurRutishauser, Walter J. Starbuck, Harry F.Sharp, Chas B.Smith, A. W.Silva, Geo.Wilds, W. NaylorWilliams, James A.Wilson, W. B.Wingate,………

Burials at Bosque Bello Cemetery

The following persons are buried at Bosque Bello Cemetery according to the city cemetery records. However, no marker, either temporary or permanent, was found when the Cemetery Committee made its inventory of Bosque Bello in 1997. Anyone wishing further information should contact the City of Fernandina Beach. NameBurial DateAndrews, EllisOctober 21, 1995Baker, Frances LucilleNovember 21, 1991Battison, Helen M.September 6, 1991Brennan, Suzanne RobinsMarch 30, 1993Brown, BerthaNovember 2, 1996Brown, JacobNovember 30, 1993Bunch, Walter PhillipOctober 1, 1996Butler, Anthony BernardJuly 24, 1993Coes, JasonSeptember 17, 1992Collins, Pricilla A.March 3, 1995Dorman, Mary CorinneOctober 1, 1996Drummer, Joanne MarieNovember 25, 1994Everhart, Betty AnnDecember 7, 1992Fiala, PatrickOctober 4, 1994Foster,………

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Genealogy Articles

1905 Death Certificate _____ Releford

Genealogy and Wildcard Search Techniques

Nassau County death certificate #1914. is a great example of a poorly written record with significant deficiencies in the information. The rabbit hole I proceeded to jump into led me to a Nassau County family with at least 4 different spellings of their last name in the records. They were traceable, but how to find them wasn’t going to prove simple. Let’s step through the process I used to identify the individual in the death record and her family makeup. The key to this, was using wildcard searches. Don’t worry, I explain to you what those are. Are you ready…
Angel Island Immigration Station

Finding Passenger Lists

The following passenger lists start with a film number. That number is clickable and it will take you to the specific database on FamilySearch for you to search. At the end of each listing is a link to a guide for the microfilm that FamilySearch scanned and indexed. These guides are in PDF format and available from the National Archives. Finding Atlantic, Gulf, and Great Lakes Lists M334 A Supplemental index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ports (Excluding New York), 1820—1874. Guide M575 Copies of Lists of Passengers Arriving at Miscellaneous Ports on the…

1903 Oldsmobile Curved-Dash runabout

Automobubbling in Nassau County, Florida

Theodore William Waas registered the first automobile in Nassau County, Florida in 1906. He owned an Oldsmobile Curved-Dash runabout, a popular model of the time known for its affordability and simple design. The car was powered by a 4.5 horsepower engine and had a top speed of 20 miles per hour. The car’s open roof and minimal interior allowed for a unique driving experience, although only two people could ride at a time. The cost of the car was $650, which might have been a significant expense for the Waas family who had four children and lived in a small…

5 Genealogy Books All Researchers Need

I was tasked this year with coming up with only 5 books that every genealogist needs to read or own. This wasn’t as easy as it sounds, because each genealogist has different needs based on their family’s ethnicity, location, etc. As a result, these books are intentionally general in nature and often, specific to US research. There are over 1600 books in the Amelia Island Genealogical Society collection available to you, and more than 100 of them feature guides and assistance in your research. If you have a specific location or subject matter, then there is a good chance we…

Standing Interrogation for Sarah (Higginbotham) Braddock

In the process of filing a Southern Commission claim, each witness on behalf of the claimant is questioned by an official on behalf of the Claims Commission using a standard set of questions, which by Sarah’s replies to some of these questions, must have changed somewhat during the early 1870s. “The changes from the original form as presented in the first General Report and as amended in the second were not designed to affect the policy of the commission.” ((Klingberg, Frank Wysor, The Southern Claims Commission, p. 213, Appendix A; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1955. Published………

History of Nassau County

This material was written and compiled by “Workers of the Writers’ Program of the Works Projects Administration in the State of Florida, Sponsored by the Florida State Planning Board, and copyrighted by the City Commission of Fernandina in 1940.” There were no subsequent copyrights on this material and the material entered the public domain in 1968, or 28 years after the publication of material. Note: This material uses phraseology and words which may be considered offensive to readers today….

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The Nassau County Genealogist cover

The Nassau County Genealogist: Online Table of Contents

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society has published the Nassau County Genealogist continuously since 1994. A print only publication, indexed in PERSI, The Nassau County Genealogist features stories and history of Nassau County, Florida, and its people. It also provides genealogical records which pertain to Nassau County, Florida. Jean Mann has served as the sole editor since the quarterly was first published! Our quarterly is published in January (Winter), April (Spring), July (Summer), and October (Fall). There have been occasional combining of issues and during Covid of 2020 some issues were unable to be published. The Amelia Island Genealogical Society is publishing The Nassau…

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