Russell Family Cemetery
To reach the Russell Family Cemetery, also known as the Russell Cemetery, from the intersection of SR-200/A1A & US-17 go north 2.61-miles to a gravel road on the left. Turn west onto the gravel road, cross the railroad tracks and take the right fork, timber road 56, to the locked Rayonier Corporation gate. Proceed along timber road RD-56 for 1.07-miles, crossing under the power line at 0.7-miles. You will come to an intersection with two roads on the left, one on the right. Turn right (north) on the dirt road, proceeding to a large oak tree; follow the tracks to the right (east) to the cemetery. It is believed that the family home was located north west of the oak tree. The cemetery is on privately owned timber land managed by Rayonier Corportation, and access is available only by contacting Russell family representative David E. White at (386) 292-0955 or through Rayonier directly. The cemetery is within a fenced area approximately 100 X 70 feet, and the burial area seems limited to a 60 X 70 ft area which was surveyed. GPS coordinates of the survey area are included in the attached report. Russell Family Cemetery Location (Nassau County)Timberland, US Highway 17Yulee, FL 32097 USA GPS Location: 30.6589166, -81.647528 Twelve graves were located, all marked with headstones or crosses, with two additional depressions located which might also be graves. The full survey can be viewed by following this link: Russell Family Cemetery survey report prepared by Jim Miller. The survey […]
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