1850 Test
Testing new version of database display....
November is here already! It has been a year of growth for our membership; we are back close to pre-COVID numbers. Our membership numbers have gone from 122 (2022 yearend) to our current count of 143.
Looking ahead to 2024, it is time to renew (or restart) your Amelia Island Genealogical Society membership. New memberships are welcome! Membership dues remain the same as 2023, $25 for an individual, $35 for a “family” (two family members residing at same address).
2024 AIGS Membership Renewal Read More »
Bob Keane, long time active member, board member, and supporter of AIGS, passed away September 9, 2023 at the age of 97. His ashes will be laid to rest at Jacksonville National Cemetery. Memories and condolences may be shared at Oxley Heard Mortuary Life Story of Bob Keane. A memorial service and gathering will be held Friday, October 20, 2023 at the Nassau County Council on Aging, 1901 Island Walk Way, Fernandina Beach from 2:00-4:00 PM. During that time, there will be a military honor ceremony (flag folding and taps), a prayer/ blessing by a friend, and light refreshments. In order for the family to better plan for the gathering, please email Judy Galvin, judykgal@msn.com if you will be attending.
Robert “Bob” Keane Memorial Service Read More »
On April 18, 25 attendees to our monthly meeting, including nine guests, were treated to a very lively and informative presentation by Jo Lichten. Based on the experience with her own family, Jo explained how to preserve cherished memories for future generations. She showed how to convert photos, slides, and videos into digital formats, either by doing it yourself or by hiring a reputable company for the job. She reviewed equipment for DIYs, where to outsource and what costs to expect. We also learned about the advantages and disadvantages of storage places such as computers, jump (thumb) drives, external backup devices, and the cloud. Thank you, Jo, for a great program!
How to Convert Old Photographs, Slides, & Videos into Digital Formats Read More »
A poem about Fernandina Florida written by Rev. J. H. Martin, D. D., and printed in The Florida Mirror, 19 May 1883.
Fernandina, Florida – A Poem Read More »
Nassau County death certificate #1914. is a great example of a poorly written record with significant deficiencies in the information. The rabbit hole I proceeded to jump into led me to a Nassau County family with at least 4 different spellings of their last name in the records. They were traceable, but how to find them wasn’t going to prove simple. Let’s step through the process I used to identify the individual in the death record and her family makeup. The key to this, was using wildcard searches. Don’t worry, I explain to you what those are. Are you ready to go down this rabbit hole with me?
Genealogy and Wildcard Search Techniques Read More »
Our January general meeting was attended last night by 35 people, a large portion of them visitors to our society. Mark Olsen did a wonderful job demonstrating the new version of FTM 2019, and we thank him for taking the time to do it!
What’s new in Family Tree Maker? Read More »
October is here already! It has been a year of recovery for AIGS after the 2021 COVID impacts. We have grown our membership numbers from 83 (2021 year end) to our current count of 122. The 2022 monthly meeting presentations have been quite varied, both in topic and format – we’ve had a great combination of in-person and virtual (live) presenters, covering subjects including DNA, local land grant and Fort Clinch history, ancestor research, the history of the US Census, and military records research. There is one more meeting this year – please join us for our November program!
2023 AIGS Membership – Please Renew or Join! Read More »
During our Annual Meeting, on November 15, members had the opportunity to talk briefly about a family heirloom or tell a family history, as part of our traditional show-and-tell. Marcia Pertuz started us off with a PowerPoint presentation on town bands in the early 1900s. We also learned that in NY State each city, town, village, or borough has a town historian, who can be an invaluable source of information. Jim Shroads put time, place and information into context, based on a 90-year-old newspaper that he had found under his house during renovation work. Jean Mann went even further back in time. She showed us a 19th century Nassau County ballot box, and explained how elections were held in those days. Gus Reinwald told us the story about his father’s uncle, an inventor and held many patents, in particular of carnival rides which he opened all over the US and Canada. His story was illustrated by many photos, drawings and other documents. Finally, Dennis Partridge described the accomplishments of Thomas Hanson Braddock (1931-2022), culminating with his induction into the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame. Tom had given Dennis a pair of expensive boots, but as Dennis concluded: “I fit in Tom’s boots, but I don’t think I’ll ever fill them”. We thank all the presenters for their very entertaining and informative contributions.
“Ancestor Road Show” 2022 Read More »
Our October 18 program was a virtual presentation on Finding Women in County, State, and Federal Records: What You Really Need to Know by Margo Fariss Brewer. The presentation was followed by 26 attendees in the Library meeting room and 3 members who signed in from home. Despite some technical difficulties, Margo gave us a comprehensive overview of various records that are most likely to include information on female ancestors.
Finding Women in County, State, and Federal Records Read More »