At the Board meeting last week, the distribution of the quarterlies was discussed a bit – how to best handle getting the publication to those folks who really want to receive it without printing a bunch of copies that will never be picked up. There were some suggestions, starting with sending an email to those current members with 3-4 copies sitting in their folders. The more I thought about it, I decided it would be a good opportunity to ask a few other questions around membership benefits, meeting schedule, program topics, etc. (in addition to the quarterly question). I’m thinking we should develop a short survey covering these items – the agenda for our next Membership Committee Meeting!
The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:
Come join us on 21 March 2023 at 7:00pm in the Fernandina Branch Library community room. Carol Clay, Past-President of the Southern Genealogist Exchange, Inc. will present "Genealogy or History? Collaborative Research in Action" where she will discuss two Jacksonville families research while extolling the benefits of the collection at the Southern Genealogist Exchange office on Sauterne Drive in Jacksonville.