August 2022 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. A list of all positions to be filled must be forwarded to the Nominating Committee by 1 September. Positions which must be filled with new people are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and all officers. Google Meet Joining Information Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:

September 2022 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Candidates from the Nominating committee for the 2023 Board should be received by the 2022 Board on September 1. Google Meet Joining Information Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:

Family History – Fun and Foibles

Fernandina Beach Library 25 N 4th St, Fernandina Beach, FL, United States
Come join us on 20 September 2022 at 7pm in the Community room at the Fernandina Beach Branch Library where Joel Warner will present his discussion topic of "Family History - Fun and Foibles." This presentation tackles some research problems from four different families. Warner's goal in this presentation is to use real cases he has worked on to demonstrate how perseverance and luck will often help research solve problems.  Some may take patience as more and more records become available.  But there is great satisfaction with connecting yourself to the real lives of the real family members who contributed to what and who you are.

October 2022 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Google Meet Joining Information Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:

Finding Women in County, State, and Federal Records: What You Really Need to Know

Fernandina Beach Library 25 N 4th St, Fernandina Beach, FL, United States
Join us on 18 October 2022 at 7pm at the Fernandina Beach Library where professional genealogist Margo Fariss Brewer will present "Finding Women in County, State, and Federal Records: What You Really Need to Know." How can you find your female ancestors in most of the records they may have been reported in? We will discuss which local, county, state, and federal records are most likely to include female ancestors, what information they may contain, ways to get better results, and how to obtain a copy of your female ancestor’s records.

November 2022 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Establish a 3 person audit committee to review 2022 financial records in January 2023. Google Meet Joining Information Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:

December 2022 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Google Meet Joining Information Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers:

January 2023 Business Meeting

The Amelia Island Genealogical Society board and officers meet monthly to handle the society business. AIGS membership is welcome to attend. Video call link: dial: (US) +1 346-908-0731 PIN: 722 543 807#More phone numbers: