Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free: Immigration and Naturalization
Learn how our ancestors were naturalized; when, where, and what records were created; and the information that might be found in these records. Presenter Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, Certified Genealogist, is a full-time professional researcher specializing in problem solving and compiling multi-generational family histories. As a former trained and certified Confidential Intermediary for the State of Illinois, Ms. Bloom was court appointed to locate sought-after relatives for adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents and other birth relatives. She is a published author and lectures frequently. A case manager, she works for the Repatriation and Family Affairs Division of the Army Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operation on identifying family members to aid in the possible identification of unaccounted for soldiers from World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.