Many thanks for your membership in 2022; we appreciated your support this past year as the society moved towards “normal” (post-COVID). Also, thanks to all who have already renewed their membership for 2023! And welcome to the new 2023 joining members, we are happy to have you as members of the society and look forward to meeting you in the new year. Our next general meeting is January 17, 2023.
As a reminder (for everyone else), it is time to renew (or restart) your Amelia Island Genealogical Society membership for 2023. New memberships are welcome! Membership dues remain the same as 2022; $25 for an individual, $35 for a “family” (two family members residing at same address), and $25 for an organization. Membership payment is easy:
Pay Online
You can pay online using PayPal or a credit card. Current members, please log into the AIGS website and renew under your account information:
Not currently a member? Click on “Join us today!”
Mail In Payment
Renew/join by check (payable to AIGS) and mail to: Amelia Island Genealogical Society, PO Box 6005, Fernandina Beach, FL 32035
(Please print & complete the Membership Application – mail with check)
Bring Payment to Meeting
Renew/join by check (payable to AIGS) and bring it and a completed Membership Application to the January 2023 monthly meeting.
Would You Consider?
If possible, please consider an additional donation (above your annual dues) to support the society’s activities. AIGS is a qualifying public charity – donations are deductible when you itemize on their federal income tax return. If you are paying your membership dues online, there is an opportunity to add a gift donation during the renewal payment process. If you are paying by check, you can add the amount to your membership dues and note your gift donation in the check memo line.
Another (easy) way to support AIGS is through the AmazonSmile program (website operated by Amazon). When customers shop on AmazonSmile ( the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to charitable organizations selected by customers, customers pay the same price as they would on the regular Amazon site. The holidays are fast approaching – remember AIGS when you shop! Clicking on “Get started” below will open a new window where you can sign up for AmazonSmile.

Thank You! The Board wishes you and your family all the best through this upcoming holiday season and we look forward to seeing you again (in person) in January! Please contact me at if you have any questions.
Patti Millage
AIGS Treasurer
Membership Committee Chair