Every year the Nominating Committee conducts an informal survey of the membership concerning their willingness to serve as either an officer or as an at-large board member. This slate of candidates is then presented to the General Membership of AIGS for a vote during the Annual Meeting. If you are a current and active member of the Amelia Island Genealogical Society for 2023 then you are eligible to vote, either in person or by proxy.
The 2024 candidates selected by the Nominating Committee are:
President Jim Shroads *
Vice-President Judy Frey *
Treasurer Bob Frey *
Secretary Jean Mann
Member-At Large (Director #1) Dawn Bostwick
Member-At Large (Director #2) Charlie Finnegan
Member-At-Large (Director #3) Marcia Pertuz
Member-At-Large (Director #4) Vacant
Member-At-Large (Director #5) Vacant
* Indicates individual running for re-election in their position